Episode Summary

Kevin has been incredibly open about his paranoid delusions. 

In this episode, he shares how he stops the voices in his head that constantly talk to him and may put him in danger. He shares three tips regarding negative thoughts. One of them is “recite, repeat, believe”. He has talked about this method previously but goes back to it because it truly works. 

Remember, recite the wonderful things you are, repeat them constantly, and you will believe it over time. 

Key Take-Aways

  • Daily positive self-affirmations can be helpful and can turn your mindset around. 

  • Faiths are built upon the recite, repeat, believe the method. 


Ep 65_Ask Kev_STOPPING THE VOICES IN MY HEAD: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

Ep 65_Ask Kev_STOPPING THE VOICES IN MY HEAD: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Kevin Hines:
My name is Kevin Hines. I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. I believe that I had to die, but I lived. Today, I travel the world with my lovely wife, Margaret, sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. Now, we help people be here tomorrow. Welcome to the HINESIGHTS podcast.

Kevin Hines:
What is cracking, Hope Nation? It is your friendly neighborhood, Kevin Hines, and this is yet another round of Ask Kev, where you ask your questions all across the internet, and I answer them to the best of my ability. Let's get right to it. What are my three tips to beat my inner negative thoughts? Let me break it down. Number one is positive self-affirmation. When you give yourself negative critical thoughts and you stay looking in the mirror self-loathing, one thing you can do to reverse the negative of thought is, say, the exact opposite of that negative critical thought. Let's give an example. Kevin, you're ugly, Kevin, you're beautiful. Kevin, you're stupid, Kevin, you're a genius. Kevin, you are worthless, Kevin, you are worthwhile and have value. Those are reversing the negative and critical thought. The next piece to it is recite, repeat, belief. So that means that, yeah, you can reverse the negative critical voice, but if you don't recite, repeat it, you will never believe it. So recite, repeat, and believe is all about, think of it like, what are the greatest faiths in this nation around the world built upon? They're built upon this notion of reciting a prayer, repeating a prayer and believing a prayer. Well, put the, put the religious part out of it for a minute, recite, repeat and believe in your own well-being. Have your own self-belief, your own faith in yourself, in the human condition to succeed at all costs. So when you recite that you're wonderful, when you recite that you're beautiful, when you repeat that you're amazing, when you repeat that you're awesome, you then believe it over time, you're retraining the negative inner critical voice, you're doing a great job and it's going to change the course of your life. Recite, repeat, believe is, is a method, a way of living, a way of taking self-loathing and self-hatred and self inner critical voices and reversing them over time in longevity. One of the things you could do in that regard, you could put little sticky notes of positive self-affirmation on every mirror in your house or the mirror in your particular bathroom, so you can remember, when you're not thinking about it, how wonderful and amazing you actually are. It's one of the best tools to use when going through this so you can survive it and so you can beat it. And what are the next things that I do for my negative and critical voices is I tell someone close to me who loves me, empathizes with me, understands me or even cares about me, and I asked them if they think my negative inner critical thoughts are valid. You know, oftentimes we forget that we can improve, we can do better, we can be better, so there are things that we are maybe not so great at, it doesn't mean we need to have negative inner critical thoughts, we can just be honest about the things we're not best at and be vocal about the things we want to change. So if you want to know about your negative inner critical voices or your negative critical thoughts, ask someone directly nearby if they think it's valid that you're thinking these thoughts. Most likely, they're going to tell you no, you're wonderful just to have you, as you are. You're perfect just as you are. You're a thousand times greater than the worst thing you've ever done. And if nobody else had it today, guys, we love you and we need you to stay and fight that pain. On that note, my friends, be here tomorrow and every day after that. All right, guys, be well, be here tomorrow and take care of yourselves and take care of each other.

Kevin Hines:
Margaret and I love sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. For more content and inspiration, go to KevinHinesStory.com or visit us on all social media at KevinHinesStory or on youtube.com/KevinHines.

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