EP 57 | Mental Health Hack | COPING STRATEGIES

Episode Summary

We all need coping strategies and mechanisms to go through life. 

In this quick Mental Health Hack, Kevin shares 5 coping strategies that work for him. 

Remember, you are not alone and you can get through this. Try to create your own self-care list and keep it close to you. 

Tune in and we hope you are healthy so you can be here tomorrow and every day after that. 


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Hinesights Podcast_EP 57_Mental Health Hack_COPING STRATEGIES: Audio automatically transcribed by Sonix

Hinesights Podcast_EP 57_Mental Health Hack_COPING STRATEGIES: this mp3 audio file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Kevin Hines:
My name is Kevin Hines. I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge. I believe that I had to die, but I lived. Today, I travel the world with my lovely wife, Margaret, sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. Now, we help people be here tomorrow. Welcome to the HINESIGHTS podcast.

Kevin Hines:
What's cracking, Nope Nation? It's your friendly neighborhood, Kevin Hines, and this is the psych hub, brain health tip of the week. Today, I'm providing you with five coping strategies that work for me. Don't exhaust your emotional reserve, number one. Try to find balance between happy and serious conversations. Number two. Don't get lost in motivational books and interviews. Number three, it's OK not to be OK. An external source of inspiration can sometimes be distracting. Read and watch in moderation, give yourself breaks, take a walk, get dinner, don't skip out on sleep, and whatever it is, can wait until tomorrow. Talk to someone, or if you don't feel like picking up the phone, write it down. Take time to develop your go-to self-care list. Write it down on a Post-it note and keep it at your desk or make a note on your phone. These things can all help you find a better life.

Kevin Hines:
Margaret and I love sharing stories of people who have triumphed over incredible adversity. For more content and inspiration, go to KevinHinesStory.com or visit us on all social media at KevinHinesStory or on youtube.com/KevinHines.

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